"If you are searching for that one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror" - Unknown

It's really interesting how we take so much time planning up to a moment and when it finally occurs, every carefully laid out step and detail worried over almost seems unnecessary. Maybe i am crazy to think this way but Lord knows i wonder about that sometimes with the way my brain always seems to be in a world of its own or you probably understand the feeling I am trying so hard to convey through my words. It sums up what i have experienced this past few months planning, plotting and planning again for the 'perfect' first blog post when i finally felt my blog was ready to be unveiled. Mind you, this planning probably entailed me sitting or preferably lying on my bed and making notes on my phone which were coherent only to me. Most times i was being kept company by my shadow or my most faithful current 'bae' a tub of 'Ben and Jerry's'. If you guessed right who the bae was, then you are definitely the real MVP. After all that is said, I still don't have the perfect topic and neither do i have a manual for what blogging entails but i know i do have my thoughts and my words which I hope combine to make coherent sense to someone.
But come to think about it, does anything actually make sense in the way that when dissected to the last detail, there is logical thought put into an action or reaction because even we ourselves are complexities we are yet to fully figure out. Sometimes, it seems like the body is its own self working against the soul and spirit making demands that even our heads have a hard time keeping up with. Or maybe irrationality seems to always win in a losing battle with what is supposed to be common sense. Or we just don't understand why we feel the way we do, or react more to certain triggers than others or why the heart sometimes develops its own voice louder than all the doubtful voices we once thought were stronger. Somehow, all these intersect to become influencers of how we live life, experience the world and explore various relationships in our lives and the how valuable these experiences are to us. Again and again I have craved to truly understand this phenomenon, tried control and manipulation, and even living a 'safe' life by the books of what is considered rational as maybe that was the answer to understanding the self complexities and times without number i have failed.
That should say something about the importance of 'you' as without 'you' there is inevitably no them as 'you' has to be 'you'; full, healthy, whole and well to be able to pour these same needed properties into others.
This has not been without scalds, burns or recovering wounds and definitely not without some lessons. So here's a theory i propose as you are probably wondering if this girl is crazy to think she can start proposing theories. Well honey, at least it has you in the center and maybe its just as simple as that. In everything that happens somehow 'you' ends up being the tree from which every other branch sprouts from. That should say something about the importance of 'you' as without 'you' there is inevitably no them as 'you' has to be 'you'; full, healthy, whole and well to be able to pour these same needed properties into others. Understanding this, makes the 'supposed to be' complex 'you' seem simpler than college's calculus if you are not Albert Einstein's descendant. After many indecisive thoughts, here is my first blogpost because i feel that 'you' is the basis for every reason this blog was created and needs to realize how valuable 'you' is and should be cared for and loved in every form. So thank 'you' for being 'you' and I hope this reminds YOU of how valuable YOU are to the world so you constantly fill 'you' up to be able to pour into others and be the best 'you' you can be. Also, when 'you' is you, YOU can conquer the whole world and do anything you set your mind on.
Here's one thing for the week, constantly fill 'you' up by showing love and care to 'you', be gracious and treat YOU like your most priced possession so that you are capable of translating these into your daily actions, reactions and relationships. Also, let me know what you think or if you have been successful in understanding why we are the way we are because your girl needs the tea. Leave a comment, share, subscribe and remember that 'you' are loved, worthy of every good thing and are an important part of humanity.
Love and blessings,
Mirabel ^.^
Photo credits: Ayobami Adedeji