'Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours and let every new year find you a better man' - Benjamin Franklin
There is almost nothing more exciting than the first day of a new year, the unexplainable excitement, cozy celebrations and the innate joy of knowing that somehow we have been given another chance, almost like a fresh slate to rewrite our story called life. Lets even talk about the best part which you are probably thinking of maybe with a little cringe or content smile, whatever mood the thought puts you in you are probably thinking it must be the 'new year resolutions' or not!
This brings to mind new year celebrations with my fam during my younger years where we will gather in the sitting room and make known our resolutions to the whole family. This usually bordered on the line of being kinder to the siblings to being more obedient to the parents but as we already somehow knew, we were soon to go back to our old ways. I hilariously remember barely few weeks later, throwing my brother's shoes down the staircase after he had played games with mine. It was definitely a fun time! Being older, I now realize that this is the way we approach our resolutions most times even in 'real life' as we count down to see how long we could keep to our resolve. Truly a 'new year, same me'.

However, with time, I have wondered if we actually mean those words we utter or write down as many times we don't even know what exactly we want from life. There's the continuous lingering fear of what if we never get what we ask for, questions of what if our needs are too big to even utter let alone demand from the universe?. I really hope this year we can honestly answer the question 'What do we want from life ?'. No one except you can answer that question for you same as I can answer mine for me. I really believe that 'specific knowledge and demand' sets the tone for what we put our energy into and becomes the difference between a thought and an action.
Regardless of what answering the question looks like for you, I hope that above all this year, you always demand fearlessly for what you want from the universe say it out be it big or small and let your voice echo to the ends of the earth. Pursue it relentlessly, regardless of what happens keep going. Celebrate the many small wins on your way to the bigger goal because you deserve to be appreciated as you work, hope and pray. Challenge yourself beyond all you know, beyond limits self imposed and societally imposed. Surprise your own self and turn your fear and doubts into a weapon to fire you boundaries beyond your imagination.

Most importantly do it in love for yourself and for others and grace knowing you and others are imperfect and will make mistakes yet these do not define you but make you better and stronger for the journey ahead. Hope this year is everything and more we wish it to be and hope you stick around because the journey has only begun and only gets more interesting. Let me know how you will answer the question, leave a comment or simply say hi as I will love to hear from you. And welcome if this is your first time here, I hope you see this as a family fit to support you on your journey through life where always you are to bloom where planted.
Officially from 'Bloom' which is obviously from me ;) Happy new year lovelies!!!!! Stay blessed, smiling and kicking always!
Much love and blessings,
Mirabel ^.^
Photo credits : Jaelene Robley