About me
I love fairytales, particularly Cinderella which is probably the root of my 'hopeless romantic syndrome' and used to envision that someday I will have my own magical ending with 'happy ever afters'. Well news flash, I still believe in happy endings though my story may not be all glam, glitter and fairy dust but its perfect in its own way. Concerning who I am, first I am human just like you trying to figure out my way in life and making the best of it to make a 'beyond life' impact. Don't we all feel that way though? Well this is my way of taking the first step and i want to bring you along on that journey with me. Most importantly, i want to be part of your journey too and am excited to hear your voice. So reach out ok?
Now to some pretty exciting facts; I love Jesus more than anything and anyone and He is the reason I could be anything of who I am today and the only one that successfully knows my brokenness and still loves me through and through. My family on the other hand has my heart at all times and are my number one support system. Also, I have a relationship with ice cream like people its LOVE because what else will you call vanilla with caramel, chocolate waffles and coconut shavings. Incase you haven't figured it out by now i am a foodie among many other things. Don't be deceived by this picture as I am sincerely not always smiling but love to laugh and tap into my inner child more times than needed. Finally, I keep my circle small but have a love for all humanity and a duty to be kind to all even if it might be uncomfortable which is evident in scenarios where my flaws overpower my good intent. Saying that, i am grateful for my tribe, some of whom have become family and looking forward to making more meaningful connections and irreplaceable memories. I really hope you feel connected enough to keep coming back and enjoy!
Email: herbloom000@gmail.com