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Writer's picture: MIRABELMIRABEL

"As a college student my favorite words are 'free' and 'cancelled' "- Unknown

You never know the meaning of real panic till your account is 47cents and you have food, rent and supposed 'flexing' on your list of things to do that definitely need money because Winco (grocery store) would not accept paper. This was me the summer of freshman year after my bank account was undergoing the kind of recession that affected body, spirit, and mind. I had spent the year really excited about being in a new place and wanting to explore coupled with my love for clothes and need for junk food did not help my spending habits. '' was the way then; from doll sized dresses supposedly for me to surprisingly quality shoes, I dare to say I saw it all. Let me know if you all will be interested in reading my online shopping chronicles. Anyway, lets say your girl was a mess and though it sounds really funny now, it wasn't funny then and I had never felt so scared and uncertain and asking my parents made me feel like I was giving them extra responsibility. Also, let me know if anyone else has ever felt this way. Fast forward, to junior year which is my third year and unfortunately honey I still haven't figured out the magic to not becoming a walking specimen of 'broke college student'. However, over time I did come up with a few tips and tricks that I used, am still using and even a few I hope to use just to avoid getting to the point that i was uncertain about being able to get things done or even buy food. Believe it or not, the fear and need for basic necessities affects your whole mood, mindset and even focus and makes you more thankful and empathic. Based on this, I really want to share some of these 'realizations' and hopes it is beneficial to someone else. Here's what I consider my 'FIRST FOUR' products of either experience or research:


Though my first job in college was got out of a desperate need for finances and the need to get things for myself without feeling guilty that I wasn't spending wisely, it has to be one of the best choices I ever made. This is because i found that having a job whether on campus or exploring online jobs, brings the sense of responsibility to be less spendy as it actually hurts to see money go. Also, earning a pay is the first step to not having 47cents in the account. However, this is a two tailed point as I believe that it is best not have a job if school work already feels almost unbearable as in the end you still want time to take care of yourself so you actually stay functioning to even be broke...lmao... Also, I guess from experience one thing will also be being sincere with one's limit because personally sometimes I take on too much in terms of work hours than I could rationally handle and one thing suffered be it school or my physical and mental health. So honey, I really hope you don't do that and figure out which end of the tail works for you!


This for me was one of the most helpful points as it meant placing importance on what was really important. It meant that once pay day arrives which is like the best day ever money went into rent, utilities and feeding before going into outings, skincare, and clothing or ice cream money. For you, it might be different but prioritizing meant budgeting which meant that you spend less on what was not really necessary. Also, i realized that writing it down or making a note somewhere else helped to keep me in check and be more mindful even though that sadly meant i got to have less ice cream. There are also apps that help with budgeting and one part of that I am still looking into will have to be the apps that give you money back on receipts as kind of a 'cash back'.

Mood knowing your account balance cant even buy you gum...


Sometimes when swiping its easier not to keep track of the impact a particular amount leaving my card had on my account. Or maybe it was just me being intentionally oblivious but I realized that when I withdrew the particular amount I intended to use in cash to have it in my hand; I was more reluctant to spend over that and sometimes leaving the card at home also helps. Though this is a tricky one I will say that being realistic in budgeting the needed amount helps. Also, having it in cash maybe in separate envelopes like the food envelope, hangout envelope, clothing envelope etc. also helps estimate with time an average of what should typically and rationally be in the envelope at a given time.


This point is a special addition for all my clothes, shoes, accessories or travel lovers who sometimes can't help the amount they spend on either of this things. Personally, I love a good outfit or shoe and can relate as there was a time I will go on buying either of them without much thought. One thing I realized was that I ended up not using most of this things I bought impulsively and had to become more intentional in actually searching and being sure I wanted something before buying. Sales became my best friend as you realize that along with thrift shops the racks have hidden gems if only we search properly. (Plug: i love thrift shopping and buy most things on sale so let me know if you will like a blog on that! i.e leave me a message!) Also, I realized the usefulness of coupons and store reward cards as they actually do add up and save you a bit of money. So honey, the next time you are tempted to buy something on impulse be sure its needed, will be used and can serve for a while. And do us both a favor and grab that next coupon or rewards card you find!

I really hope you enjoyed reading this and there are a few more tips I could share on this topic though I will stop here now so it doesn't become unbearably long. But let me know if you will like to see the second part dealing with grocery & cooking, saying no, savings and investments as budgeting tips plus a look at some apps that I find during my research that help with any of these. Leave a comment; let me know what you think and share to loved ones you think this might be beneficial to. Thank you so much again if you read to the end as it really means a lot. And join the fam if you haven't , honey SUBSCRIBE! and be updated be it life wise or blog wise.

Love and blessings,

Mirabel ^.^


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